
Writing can be the difference. 

It can be the difference between someone opening an email, or not. It could be the difference between someone scrolling past your post on LinkedIn, or not. And writing might be the thing that compels a reader to purchase, donate, take action, or not. 

So much can hinge on having the right words, so why leave them to chance?

I can support you with copywriting – to find the right words, copyediting – to improve the words you have, and proofreading – to ensure that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ crossed.

I have sector expertise in charities, local government, co-operatives, financial services and food retail and a strong knowledge base around sustainability, ethics, co-operatives, employee engagement, food and nutrition, walking and the great outdoors.

Copywriting, copy editing and proofreading

I can help you with:

Since blog posts became a thing, I’ve been writing them. I write regularly about climate change and net zero for one of my clients, blog about various things here, and have blogged for others on subjects as diverse as wine, Fairtrade and pizza.

A good blog post gives your audience just enough, but not too much. A well planned and crafted blog can help you to build your reputation as a thought leader in your field or connect with your audience in a more informal manner, depending on what you want it to achieve. I can help you to plan and deliver SEO blog posts that do either - or both.

Whether you're creating SEO content for a brand new website or want to give your existing one a refresh, I can help you to think about website structure, alongside the words that will share your greatness with the world.

Working with you, we'll identify and build keywords naturally into your copy, to optimise search engine results.

Email offers you a great opportunity to deliver your key messages and calls to action directly to your stakeholders.

We'll nail the subject line, so that your email stands out in a crowded inbox and provide all the right ingredients to promote awareness and interest and, of course, action.

Well-researched and written case studies can provide your business or organisation with powerful testimonies and proof points. I have extensive experience of interviewing - from leaders of FTSE100 companies to owners of small co-operatives - in order to create interesting and authentic case studies that tell stories. What’s more powerful for one of your potential customers than seeing someone just like them talking positively about you?

Having worked in a busy press offices for several years, I'm experienced in crafting press releases that get traction. I'll work with you to ensure we find the right hook, and work up great quotes and content to give your news story the best chance of cut through.

Newsletters offer a great way of keeping your audience informed about the things they care about. Longer formats give you more opportunity to share news, offer insight, provide case studies or interviews.

I can help you plan and generate newsletter content that will help you to connect with your people.


Copy editing is about doing the checks and making the tweaks that will take your copy to the next level. It can ensure that your writing is free of errors, is consistent with house style and flows well.

Proofreading is the final stage in the editing process, that involves checking for typos and other grammatical errors to ensure that your content is publishing-ready.

If you have content that you’re happy with, and want an experienced pair of eyes to either help you improve its readability or spot any remaining errors, then get in touch.

Sometimes you need to take a couple of steps backwards and a bit of time out to look again at your key messages and your strategy for getting them out to your audience. Nope, it's not as sexy as a brand new website, a new report or a hot-off-the-press newsletter, but if any of these things are going to succeed, a purposeful strategy that sits behind them all is vital.


If there’s another communications challenge you’re facing into for which some friendly advice or support might be helpful, please get in touch. As a seasoned communications professional, I’m pretty confident that I’ll be able to help.